Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Finally she is up and running...


I hope that you all like my new web site. I still have no idea how it all works so please bare with me as I figure it out over the next few weeks.

Life has been a bit busy the last three weeks, I started as the official photographer for the Sunshine tour, for those of you that don't know, its the South African golf tour. So its been golf golf and more golf.
I have now done three tournaments, two down here in the Cape and one in Pretoria. It has been a very quick learning curve and only now after the third event i can say that i am starting to really get into the swing of things.

The weather the weather...... wow it has been so bad in the Cape. I have basically spent the last three weeks standing in the rain trying to keep dry and of course truing to get great photos.

The bad weather has also meant that the bike riding has not been going that well, as i am writing this the wind and rain is belting against my flats windows, cabin fever is starting to set in!

I will shortly be finding out my fate.. Epic or no epic! The organises of the race will be announcing the media entries early next week, so hold thumbs for me. Garden Route living magazine have asked me to to do an article on the race as well as Mountain Biker magazine, they want me to do a training diary with some photos running up to the race. I am really exited about this.

I will post one or two photos from last weeks tournament as soon as i figure out how to do it. I am also going to try and write a little piece about each event. I need to practice the little writing skills that I have.

Well I am off to Durban tomorrow for the Sun Coats Classic, hopefully I will be so lucky as to experience some good old Durban weather and escape the rain for a few days.

Till next time

Ps. I just want to thank everyone that has made the creation of this web site possible. You guys know who you are...Thanks!

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